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Англо-русский словарь - sake


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Перевод с английского языка sake на русский

noun for the sake of, for ones sake - ради; do it for Marys sake - сделайте это ради Мэри; for our sakes - ради нас; for Gods sake, for Heavens sake - ради бога, ради всего святого (для выражения раздражения, досады, мольбы); for conscience sake - для успокоения совести; for old sakes sake - в память прошлого; for the sake of glory - ради славы; for the sake of making money - из-за денег - sakes alive!
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  1. для, ради чего-либо, кого-либо for the sake of smb., for smb.'s sake —- для (ради) кого-л. do it for the sake of your family —- сделайте это для вашей семьи for safety's sake —- в целях безопасности for the sake of money —- из-за денег for the sake of peace —- для дела (во имя) мира for their own sakes —- для них самих for both our sakes —- ради нас обоих for conscience's sake —- для успокоения совести for form's sake —- для проформы; для видимости for the sake of our old friendship —- во имя нашей старой дружбы for the sake of smb.'s health —- в интересах чьего-л. здоровья for the sake of seeing smth. —- для того, чтобы повидать что-л. art for art's sake —- искусство для искусства he argues for the sake of arguing —- он спорит ради самого спора he talks for talking's sake —- ему лишь бы говорить for the sake of simplicity I will assume... —- для простоты (ясности) я буду исходить из предположения... for God's (goodness', Heaven's, pity's, mercy's) sake —- ради бога!, во имя всего святого! for God's sake don't do it! —- ради бога, не делайте этого! for old time's sake —- во имя прошлого Id: sakes (alive)! —- диал. ам. вот это да!, ну и ну! 2. яп. сакэ (рисовая водка) sake cup —- японская рюмка (в виде маленькой пиалы) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. n. (esp. for the sake of or for one's sake) 1 out of consideration for; in the interest of; because of; owing to (for my own sake as well as yours). 2 in order to please, honour, get, or keep (for the sake of uniformity). Phrases and idioms for Christ's (or God's or goodness' or Heaven's or Pete's etc.) sake an expression of urgency, impatience, supplication, anger, etc. for old times' sake in memory of former times. Etymology: OE sacu contention, charge, fault, sake f. Gmc 2. n. a Japanese alcoholic drink made from rice. Etymology: Jap. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, dispute, guilt, purpose, from Old English sacu guilt, action at law; akin to Old High German sahha action at law, cause, Old English secan to seek — more at seek  Date: 13th century  1. end, purpose for the ~ of argument  2.  a. the good, advantage, or enhancement of some entity (as an ideal) free to pursue learning for its own ~ — M. S. Eisenhower  b. personal or social welfare, safety, or benefit  II. noun  or saki  Etymology: Japanese ~  Date: 1682 a Japanese alcoholic beverage of fermented rice often served hot ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sakes) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you do something for the sake of something, you do it for that purpose or in order to achieve that result. You can also say that you do it for something’s sake. For the sake of historical accuracy, please permit us to state the true facts... For safety’s sake, never stand directly behind a horse. PHRASE: PHR n 2. If you do something for its own sake, you do it because you want to, or because you enjoy it, and not for any other reason. You can also talk about, for example, art for art’s sake or sport for sport’s sake. Economic change for its own sake did not appeal to him... PHRASE: usu n PHR 3. When you do something for someone’s sake, you do it in order to help them or make them happy. I trust you to do a good job for Stan’s sake... Linda knew that for both their sakes she must take drastic action. PHRASE: N inflects, PHR with cl 4. Some people use expressions such as for God’s sake, for heaven’s sake, for goodness sake, or for Pete’s sake in order to express annoyance or impatience, or to add force to a question or request. The expressions ‘for God’s sake’ and ‘for Christ’s sake’ could cause offence. (INFORMAL) For goodness sake, why didn’t you ring me?... PHRASE: N inflects, PHR with cl c darkgreen]feelings SAKE also sake Sake is a Japanese alcoholic drink that is made from rice. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 for the sake of in order to help, improve, or please someone or something  (He moved to the seaside for the sake of his health. | I only went for Kay's sake. | for sb's own sake (=because it will be good for them))  (I hope he's told her the truth for his own sake.) 2 for the sake of it if you do something for the sake of it, you do it because you want to and not for any particular reason  (I'm sure she agrees with you really - she just likes arguing for the sake of it.) 3 for the sake of argument spoken if you say something for the sake of argument, what you say may not be true but it will help you to have a discussion  (Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that you've got -200 to invest.) 4 for God's/Christ's/goodness'/Heaven's etc sake spoken a) used when you are telling someone how important it is to do something or not to do something  (For goodness sake, don't tell him that!) b) used to show that you are angry or annoyed  (What's the matter now, for God's sake?)  (- see God) ~2 n a Japanese alcoholic drink made from rice, served in small cups, usually warm ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: FOR ONE'S SAKE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - "Japanese rice liquor," 1687, from Japanese sake, lit. "alcohol." SAKE - "purpose," O.E. sacu "a cause at law, crime, dispute," from P.Gmc. *sako "affair, thing, charge, accusation," from PIE base *sag- "to investigate." Much of the word's original meaning has been taken over by case, cause, and it survives largely in phrases for the sake of (12c.) and for X's sake (c.1325), both probably from O.N. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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